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Our Programs

Bigger and Better Business

 Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity believes that the improvement of the economic conditions of minorities is a major factor in the improvement of the general welfare of society. It is upon this conviction that the Bigger and Better Business Program rests.

Social Action

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has, from its very beginning, concerned itself with improving the general well being of minority persons and groups. The mission of the International Social Action Program is to encourage social, political and philanthropic leadership which strengthens our respective communities.


The Education program focuses on providing a variety of services to alumni and collegiate members of the Fraternity, which in turn translates to services to local communities. In-house programs include providing scholarships, conferences, college fairs, mentoring and tutoring at local, regional and national levels.


Sigma Beta Club

Sigma Beta Clubs have been an essential part of the total organizational structure of many of the Alumni chapters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and offers men of Sigma a unique opportunity to develop wholesome value, leadership skills, and social and cultural awareness of youth at a most critical stage in the youth’s personal development.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity,inc.
Beta Xi Sigma Chapter

1001 Harvard Blvd.

Dayton, OH  45406


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